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(Regulations UE 2016/679 GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation).

The present privacy policy (the “Policy”) is authored and published by:
ARCHIVIO STORICO ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369 (P.IVA 06136250484), hereinafter called ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369, a company incorporated in Italy, which includes ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369’s affiliated licensee companies. Its purpose is to inform users (the “User” and/or “You”) of the website (the “Website”) about how and why ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369 obtains, stores and processes data and information, such as name, address, e-mail address, telephone/fax numbers, credit card information, etc. (the “Data”) which can identify the Users and that the User may send Us while accessing the Website.
By accessing the Website, the User unequivocally consents to the Data collection and practices described in this Policy. Any amendment to this Policy (each new version will be numbered accordingly) shall be immediately effective and applicable to the User as of the User’s next visit to the Website. The terms of this Policy are without prejudice to any contractual terms the User may enter into with Us, which shall prevail over the terms of the Policy.
ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369 may update this Policy from time to time and shall indicate on the Website when changes have been made.

Data are collected from Users upon registration on the site, or when the User contributes to or uses some of the advanced features on the Website. We only collect and process Data that are submitted voluntarily while browsing Our Website and Data that are clearly set out on the webpage on which We collect it. In addition, We may collect IP addresses and use cookies unless web browsers are configured not to accept them.

2.1 Most of Our services do not require any form of registration allowing You to visit Our Website without telling who You are. However, some services may require registration. When You register with Us, You may need to complete certain fields as well as chose a user name and password. In these situations if You chose to withhold any Data requested by Us, it may not be possible for You to gain access to certain parts of Our Website and for Us to respond to Your queries.

2.2 We collect Data about Users so that ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369 can personalize the use of the Website, assist the use of the Website and improve the Website generally. We may collect and use Data to invoice Our products or services, to inform Users about events, announcements, products or services, or to communicate with Users for other purposes, such as compliant processing, after sale repair tracking, etc. In particular, depending on User selections for Data protection questions We may arrange for Users to be sent information about related products and services from ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369 and carefully chosen third parties (see section 3). You may update answers to Your questions at any time.
In addition, We may use User data to improve Our services for Our own internal statistics and operational purposes, to evaluate customer interests, as well as purchasing and other trends among customer and to better determine product development, marketing strategies and customer services. Please note that we expressly reserve the right to verify the accuracy of User data, in particular with regard to contact details (postal address, email, phone, etc.), financial information and the purchase of Our products or use of Our services. By submitting personal information, the Users expressly consent to such use and verification.
Please note, however, that most of the information collected from Our website is anonymous (such as browser type, operating systems and the date and time of access), which We may process without User knowledge or consent to help improve the content of Our Website and to learn more about Our visitors’ behavior. In doing so, We may use tracking technology (such as cookies, i.e. small pieces of information sent to Your browser and stored on Your computer hard drive which, individually cannot be used to discover Your identity).

3.1 ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369 shall not sell, rent, share or otherwise distribute or make available User data to third parties outside of ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369, except when (i) You give prior consent (see section 3.2.); (ii) You breach this Policy or the Terms of Use ; (iii) required to do so by law or by any Governmental body; (iv) it is necessary to enable ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369 to perform services requested by You (see section 3.3.).

3.2 If You give Your consent, ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369 will transfer Your contact details to third parties who may then occasionally send communications to You to provide information, offers and services that may be of interest to You.

3.3 Data may occasionally be transferred to third parties (such as repair/service centers) who act for or on behalf of ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369, for further processing in accordance with the purposes for which Your Data were originally collected. When disclosure of Data to such third parties is likely or necessary for whatever reason, We endeavor to ensure that such third parties provide an equivalent level of protection as ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369 regarding the Data, and, where appropriate, We will contractually require them to process Data transferred only for the purposes authorized by You and on a confidential and secure basis.

3.4 ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369 does not conduct “spamming”. Spamming is defined as sending unsolicited e-mails, usually of commercial nature, in large numbers and repeatedly to individuals with whom the sender has had no previous contact or who have not given his consent to receive such communications.

4.1 Keeping Your information secure is very important to Us and certain sections of the Website may encrypt Data using SSL or a comparable standard. We undertake to take all reasonable steps in order not to allow Your Data to be accessed by third parties other than those authorized under this Policy (see section 3).

4.2 However, please be aware that the Internet is generally not a secure environment and no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed totally secure.

4.3 Although we strive to protect Your personal information, We cannot guarantee the confidentiality of the Data provided by You or material transmitted via Our Website or by e-mail. Thus, We cannot be responsible or liable for the security of Your Data whilst in transit via the Internet.

You have the right to access and update Your Data or to require their deletion at any time, by sending an email to

We maintain databases in different jurisdictions. We may transfer Your Data to one of Our databases located outside of Italy. If the level of privacy protection in such a country is not equivalent to the protection granted under Italian law, We will ensure that Data transfers to Our databases in that country are nevertheless adequately protected. By submitting Your Data to Our Website, You expressly agree to its possible transfer to, and storage in, such databases.

As a service to Our visitors, Our Website may provide hyperlinks to other websites that are not operated or controlled by ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369. Therefore, ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369 cannot be responsible or liable for the content of such websites or the privacy practices of such other parties. We encourage You to review and understand the privacy policies applied by such third parties before providing them with personal information.

Our Website is a general audience site that are not designed nor intended to collect Data from persons under the age of 18 (“Children”). To respect the privacy of Children and to comply with the laws designed to protect them, Children should not provide any Data to this Website. We ask the parents to supervise their Children while online. ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369 will not knowingly collect, use or disclose Data from a Child, without obtaining prior consent from a person with parental responsibility (parent, guardian).

9.1 Our web servers collect general data pertaining to each Website user, including their IP address, domain name, referring web page and the length of time spent and the pages accessed while visiting this Website.  This web usage information is collected to help us manage and administer our Website, improve the content of our Website, to measure the effectiveness of our advertising, and customize and improve the Website user experience. Web analytic information is gathered using the following methods: (1) cookies, (2) web beacons (a.k.a. clear gifs), (3) conversion tracking, (4) third party ad serving mechanisms, and (5) general detection and use of your internet protocol (IP) address or domain name.  We do not combine any web usage information with information collected offline or from other sources.
9.2 Cookies:
A cookie is a small file stored on your computer by a website to give you a unique ID. We use cookies to track new visitors to this site and to recognize past users so that we may customize and personalize content. Cookies used by this site do not contain any personally identifiable information, and we cannot identify a user from his/her cookie unless that user provides personal information voluntarily.  If for any reason, you don’t want to take advantage of cookies, you may have your browser not accept them, although this may disable or render unusable some of the features of the site.
9.3 Web Beacons:
Web pages on this site or e-mail messages you receive from us may contain a small graphic image called a web beacon (sometimes called a web bug or clear gif).  Web beacons are typically very small (generally 1-by-1 pixel) and invisible to the user, however any electronic image viewed as part of a web page or e-mail message, including an advertisement or HTML content, can act as a web beacon. Web beacons are designed to allow us or a third party to collect certain information and monitor user activity on our site. Collected information can include the IP address of the computer that the web beacon is sent to, the URL of the page the web user comes from, and the time the web beacon is activated (such as when you view the web page, advertisement, or e-mail that contains the web beacon). No personal information is obtained from this tracking, rather just the patterns of usage of our various users may be tracked to provide you with improved service and content based on aggregate or statistical reviews of user site traffic patterns.
9.4 Conversion Tracking:
Search engines offer a feature called “conversion tracking” which is a way to track clicks to sales from either search results or ads on search engines. Using either web beacons or visible images, depending upon the search engine, the search engine notes and saves information in a cookie with non-personal information such as time of day, browser type, browser language, and IP address with each query. Information is gathered in the aggregate, without unique personal data. Conversion tracking allows the search engine company and ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369 to track clicks to sales, including the number of clicks (“visits”) it takes before a purchase is made and permits us to measure the effectiveness of our search engine participation.

10.1 ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369 reserves the right to disclose user information in special cases, when we have reason to believe that disclosing this information is necessary to identify, contact or bring legal action against someone who may be causing injury to or interference with (either intentionally or unintentionally) our rights or property, other ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369 Website users, or anyone else that could be harmed by such activities.  We may disclose personal information without notice to you in response to a subpoena or when we believe in good faith that the law requires it or to respond to an emergency situation.
10.2 Specific areas or pages of this Website may include additional or different provisions relating to collection and disclosure of personal information.  In the event of a conflict between such provisions and this Privacy Policy, such specific terms shall control.

This Policy as well as Your access to Our website is subject to and governed by Italian law without giving effect to conflicts of law principles thereof. Any dispute regarding this policy or Our handling of Your Data is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the ordinary courts of Florence, Italy.

Should You have any queries or complaints about Our compliance with this Policy, or if You wish to make any recommendations or comments to improve the quality of Our Policy, please contact ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369 at the following address:   We will endeavor to respond to You promptly.

ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369 reserves the right to change or update this Privacy Policy, or any other policy or practice, at anytime without notice. Any changes or updates will be effective immediately upon posting to our Website.

Mr. Franco Torrini (C.F.TRRFNC34P12D612G).
To exercise the rights listed above and provided for by the GDPR - European Code on Privacy, the interested party must send a written request to ARCHIVIO STORICO TORRINI 1369 – Via dei Bastioni, 5 - 50125 Florence (I) - C / A Responsible for data processing.









1.1 The website (the “Website”) is the property of  “ARCHIVIO STORICO TORRINI 1369 (P.IVA 06136250484), hereinafter called ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369, which also includes ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369’s affiliated licensee companies, and use thereof is governed by the following terms of use ( “Terms of Use”).
1.2 By accessing, browsing and using the Website, you agree to comply with and be bound by these Terms of Use, including confidentiality rules. Please take the time to read these Terms of Use carefully. If you disagree with any clause of these Terms of Use, please exit the Website immediately.
1.3 ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369 may from time to time revise, change, modify and/or remove part of these Terms of Use at its sole discretion. The new dated version of these Terms of Use takes effect as soon as it is published on-line.
1.4 The Website is accessible worldwide. If you chose to access the Website from outside Italy you do so on your own initiative and you are solely responsible for complying with compulsory local laws.

2.1 ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369 has the exclusive rights, title, and interest (unless stated otherwise) to the Website’s Intellectual Property Rights, including but not limited, to its content also by virtue of the international registration of the trademark of which it is the sole owner for all purposes.
2.2 Intellectual Property Rights include all intellectual property rights of whatever nature without limitation: all texts, graphics, user and visual interfaces, photos, images, illustrations, trademarks, logos, layout, video clips, audio clips, sound, music, design, know-how, technology, drawing, products, artwork and other materials appearing on the Website, and future rights of copyright, as well as all rights to software programs, code and supporting documentation, moral rights, image rights, patents, trademarks, trade names, goodwill, internet domain names, registered and unregistered design rights, data, database rights and all other intellectual property rights (whether registered or not) or other rights or forms of protection having equivalent or similar effect anywhere in the world, insofar as these rights have been created by or for ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369 or its employees.
2.3 Except as provided for under §3 hereinafter, nothing contained on the Website shall be interpreted as granting licence or the right to use any content on the Website.

3.1 The data contained on the Website is presented for information and promotion purposes only.
3.2 The information provided is for your personal use only. You may download, display or print the information appearing on the Website exclusively for personal and non-commercial purposes, provided that the copyright notice is retained on each copy and you do not change any trademark or other notification of ownership. Downloading or reproduction of any document or software gives you no right, title or interest with respect to said documents or software.
3.3 Any other use, including reproduction for purposes other than personal non-commercial use, modification, dissemination, publication, distribution, transmission, creation derivative works form, or broadcast of the content of the Website, in whole or in part and by any means, is strictly prohibited, except with ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369’s prior written consent.
3.4 ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369 neither warrants nor guarantees that use of any content displayed on its Website will not infringe on third party rights.

4.1 Any personal identification or information sent via the Internet to the Website is protected and treated according to ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369’s Privacy Policy. ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369 invites you to read the endorsed ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369’s Privacy Policy carefully before sending any such personal identification or information.
4.2 You hereby accept that all comments, suggestions, drawings, concepts, photos, testimonials or any other documents (except for your private confidential information) communicated or entrusted to ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369 through its Website or by any other means (“Suggestions”) shall not be deemed as confidential and shall not be your property.
4.3 All Suggestions automatically become the property of ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369 as soon as they are made. Making a Suggestion transfers all rights, titles and interests, including the copyrights, linked to the Suggestions to ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369. ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369 has no obligation (i) to preserve the confidential nature of any Suggestion; (ii) to financially compensate anyone in exchange of or in connection with a Suggestion; or (iii) to reply to or acknowledge receipt of any Suggestion made to it.
4.4 You hereby guarantee that no Suggestion made infringes on the rights of a third party, with respect to copyright, registered trademarks, patents, trade secrets, private life or any other personal or property rights. By making a Suggestion, you acknowledge that ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369 can (but is not obliged to) copy, publish, disseminate or use this Suggestion for any purpose, including, but not limited to, advertising, promotional or product development purposes or any other commercial purpose, without any financial compensation being payable to you or to any other person. You are and shall remain liable for the content of any Suggestion made by you.
4.5 ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369 enjoys a worldwide reputation for both the design and manufacture of high quality jewellery, watches and other luxury products. To this end, it possesses its own sources of creativity, in particular highly skilled teams of designers who conceive and perfect ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369’s creations. As a result, ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369 will not agree to or accept being the receiver of unsolicited proposals of collaboration and it is possible that ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369 may already be working on similar ideas. Consequently, you are advised that ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369 is not interested in receiving ideas or other proposals.

5.1 Any materials, information or Website content are supplied  “as is” in terms of their availability, and with no guarantee of any sort, express or implied, including, amongst others, implied warranty of merchantability or suitability for any particular purpose.

5.2 ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369 carries no liability and cannot guarantee that the information contained on the Website is accurate, complete and up-to date, or that the Website contains no defect and that any existing defects will be corrected. By using this Website, you agree to do so at your own risk and assume full responsibility for any problems inherent in using it, any loss of data and costs related to any assistance or repair to any hardware and/or software used by you for connecting to the Website, and you agree that ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369 bears no liability whatsoever for any damage that may be caused by, result from or be connected to your use of the Website.

5.3 If you communicate with us by e-mail, you should note that the security of Internet e-mail is uncertain. By sending sensitive or confidential e-mail messages, you accept the risk inherent to such uncertainty and possible lack of confidentiality over the Internet.

6.1 You access, use, browse and navigate on the Website at your own risk.
6.2 You accept that, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable regulations, neither ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369 nor any of its affiliates shall, under any circumstances, be held liable for actual, direct, indirect, special, punitive, incidental, exemplary or consequential damage, or any other damage, whatever its nature, even if ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369 was previously informed of the possibility of such damage, whether during a contractual action, a prejudice or any other theory, resulting from, or connected to the use, incapacity to use or execution of information, products or documents on this Website.
6.3 All materials downloaded or obtained in any other manner during the use of the Website are at your own risk. ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369 takes no responsibility for any damage or virus which might affect your computer equipment or other property by reason of your access to, use of, or downloading of any material from its Website or for any illegal intrusion or intervention in the IT system.
6.4 ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369 reserves the right to interrupt or discontinue any or all of the functionality of its Website. ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369 accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any interruption or discontinuing of any or all functionality of its Website resulting from actions or omissions of ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369 or any third party.

7.1 The content of the Website may contain inaccuracies or typographical or translation from the Official Italian language  errors. ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369 reserves the right to make changes, corrections, and/or improvements to such content at any time without prior notice but does not assume any responsibility to do so.

7.2 The style, drawing and colors of ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369 products featured on the Website may be modified without prior notice.

8.1. The products featured on the Website are representative of ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369’s collection. However, not all ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369 products are featured on the Website.

8.2. The Website may contain information on ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369 products and services, not all of which are available in every location. A reference to a product or service on the Website does not imply that such product of service is or will be available.

8.3. While every effort is taken to try to ensure that the colour, design, style, reference number, description and size of the products featured on the Website are representative of the original products, variation may occur. Neither ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369 nor its affiliated companies shall be liable for any error or inaccuracy in the description, reference and in the photographs or graphical representations of products displayed on the Website. ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369 will not be liable for such errors and is under no obligation to deliver the products and/or pay any damages whatsoever. Any questions about products can be directed to the ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369 Customer Service Department.

9.1 The Website may contain links to other Internet websites that are not operated or controlled by ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369. Those addresses or links are provided solely as aids to assist you to locate other Internet websites that may be of interest.

9.2 ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369 has not reviewed any of the websites which link to the Website. ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369 shall not be held liable for the availability or content of such websites or any article contained on or obtained through such websites.

9.3 Any links to off-sites pages or other websites are set up at your own risk. Any link to another website or any reference to information, products or services supplied by third parties, in no way implies that ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369 has given its approval concerning those websites or articles. Any question or comment concerning any other website must be sent to that website’s operator. No link with the Website is authorized without ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369’s prior written approval.

10.1 The present Terms of Use embody the full agreement concluded between ARCHIVIO TORRINI 1369 and yourself concerning the access and use of the Website and its content.

10.2 These Terms of Use, as well as your use of the Website and any agreement between us, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Italy without giving effect of conflicts of law principles thereof. Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or in connection with this Agreement is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the ordinary courts of Florence, Italy.

The texts published on the site are unpaid and the site does not collect advertising.
The photos, if not directly from the Torrini 1369 Historical Archive, are largely taken from the internet through the most popular search engines and are considered to be in the public domain. If the copyrights of the images published here are considered to have been violated, please contact the editorial staff ( who will remove them.